A customized Excel template can be used to export data. Special placeholders can be used to output data. For this we use the open source project JXLS. A detailed description of the syntax and examples can be found here: https://jxls.sourceforge.net/samples/object_collection.html.
Variables for general information
Einfache variablen können ausgegeben werden mit ${VARIABLE}. Folgende Variablen stehen zur Verfügung:
Text values:
name: Name of the activity
place: Place of activity
description: Description of the activity
host: Name of the organizer
link: Link to the app
exportInfo: Information on export time
weather: Weather information
snowSize: Snow size
snowType: Snow type
filterSkiGroupName: Name of the ski group that is filtered by.
timeZone: Can be used to convert data to local time.
Numerical values:
participants: Number of participants
quality: quality from 1 (worst) to 5 (best)
qualityGrade: Quality in school grades
temperatureBeginning: Temperature Beginning
temperatureAvg: Temperature average from weather station
Ending: Temperature End
humidityAvg: Humidity average of weather station
humidityEnding: Humidity End
snowTemperatureBeginning: Snow temperature beginning
snowTemperatureAvg: Snow temperature average from weather station
snowTemperatureEnding: Snow temperature end
snowMoistureBeginning: Snow moisture beginning
snowMoistureAvg: Snow Moisture Average by Weather Station
snowMoistureEnding: Snow moisture end
windSpeedAvg: Wind speed average from weather station
windDirectionAvg: Wind direction average from weather station
sunIlluminanceAvg: Solar Strength Average by Weather Station
length: Length of track
verticalDrop: Elevation gain
Date values:
date: Date of activity
Lists are used to output data in tabs. These are mostly used with jx:each command.
splits: List with maximum number of split times. Example: [0,1,2,3] for 3 sectors.
skies: List of exported skis. If a filter has been specified, this list is also filtered for it.
results: All results with skis, wax and weather data. If a filter has been specified, this list is also filtered for it.
Features for Skies List
wax: See Wax object for available properties. Example: wax.name
airTemperature: Air temperature at the time of start.
airHumidity: Humidity at the time of start.
windSpeed: Wind speed at the time of take-off.
windDirection: Wind direction at the time of take-off.
snowTemperature: Snow temperature at the time of start.
snowHumidity: Snow humidity at the time of start.
sunIlluminance: Strength of the sun at the time of start.
ski: Same variables as in Skies list without wax.
wax: Same variables as in wax object.
hasSplit(1): Indicates whether this measurement has a sector with the index. Attention, this number starts at 0.
findSplit(1): Returns the second sector.
Properties for Sector Object
Understanding Sectors
In order to be able to output the correct data in tables, it is important to understand that each measurement is divided into sectors. Each measuring point forms a sector. Attention: Sectors are accessed with a 0-based index. So if the time is to be output in sector 2, r.findSplit(1).duration must be specified.
Auxiliary functions
toNumber(date): Converts a date/time to seconds.
toTimezone(date, zone): Converts a date to local time in the specified time zone.